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Versatility: Whole milk powder can be used in various products, from baked goods to beverages. It is a versatile ingredient that provides many advantages to manufacturers.

Convenience: Whole milk powder is easy to use and does not require refrigeration, making it a convenient ingredient for manufacturers. It is easy to store and transport, saving time and money.

Rich in nutrients: Whole milk powder is a good source of calcium, protein, and other essential nutrients. It can be used to enrich products such as cereals and bars with these necessary nutrients.

Cost-effective: Whole milk powder is cheaper than fresh milk, making it an economically advantageous ingredient for manufacturers. It can be used in various products such as soups, sauces, and beverages without compromising quality.

Extended shelf life of products: Whole milk powder can extend the shelf life of products by reducing moisture content. This makes it a popular ingredient in products with a longer shelf life, such as instant soups and sauces.

Calculate the cost of whole milk powder

    Calculation of Milk Product batch cost